Azure Virtual Desktop

Access a Dorset Council Desktop here.

Install the agent for the best experience. Supports microphone pass through for Microsoft Teams.


Use a modern web browser to get access immediately to most of your applications.


Agent Installation

Select the agent for your device from the list below

Frequently Asked Questions

Download the step by step guidance here. Instructions

If you are using a shared computer, or do not wish to install any other software on your personal computer, you can use the web access version to quickly get access to a Dorset Council desktop.

This service is not designed to replace your Dorset Council provided device and is for quick access to a desktop when required. This service can also be used for authorised 3rd party access to Dorset Council systems. This service is a replacement for the old vWorkspace service

You must use the desktop client in order to use Teams voice with this service. We are currently investigating video pass through but this has not yet been implemented.

Please log into a Dorset Council desktop or device and submit a question at the ICT Services Portal, or via your ICT helpdesk. Please mention Azure Virtual Desktop in the question so it can be sent to the right team.

To get the best possible performance and feature set, the client is required.
